Mendeley plugin for word
Mendeley plugin for word

mendeley plugin for word mendeley plugin for word

This may complicate exporting citations from their databases directly to Mendeley Web. The company Elsevier (which publishes the ScienceDirect, Scopus and Engineering Village databases) is in the process of linking older Mendeley accounts to their own system.Users cannot search the text of PDF annotations (notes you add to your PDFs).Those users should consider purchasing the EndNote software. Both Mendeley Web and Desktop are NOT accessible to screen readers for the blind/low vision (JAWS, NVDA).Mac Users who have OS Sierra and High Sierra may need to download an older version of Mendeley (version 1.16.3 - see here ) for it to work on your machines.However, you can copy citations from Mendeley Desktop and paste them into your Google doc. You cannot use Mendeley Web or Mendeley Desktop with Google Docs.You cannot use Mendeley Web with MS Word on Mac computers, but you CAN use it with MS Word on Windows machines using the "Export to MS Word" button.Please contact for assistance with resolving this problem. Some users at WMU may also experience problems with receiving or accepting invitations to join Mendeley groups.This has something to do with WMU's email addresses. Some users at WMU may experience login problems either in Mendeley Web or desktop.You should be aware of the following shortcomings: While Mendeley (particularly the desktop application) is quite good as a reference management system, it does have its limitations.

Mendeley plugin for word